Titled “A Quiet Place: Day One,” the film follows a different set of characters than those seen in the first two installments, with Oscar winner and “Black Panther” star Lupita Nyong’o confirmed to play the film’s lead character. Michael Sarnoski, who made his feature film debut with the acclaimed Nicolas Cage culinary drama “Pig” last year, is set to direct. The film’s premise is based on an idea developed by John Krasinski, who helmed the first two installments. The first two “Quiet Place” films were released in 2018 and 2021. The films starred Krasinski and his real-life wife Emily Blunt as the heads of a family struggling to survive in a post-apocalyptic world teeming with monsters that possess powerful senses of hearing, forcing survivors to avoid making any noise. Both films were critically acclaimed, particularly Krasinski’s direction and their sense of atmosphere. The first movie was a huge success for an original IP film, grossing $341 million on a $17 million budget. The second film, one of the first major theatrical releases during the COVID-19 pandemic, managed to gross over $297 million worldwide on a roughly $60 million budget.

Although plot details for “Day One” are being kept under wraps, the title seems to imply it’s a prequel set during the beginning of the monster invasion, which was depicted in a flashback during the second film. Michael Bay, Andrew Form, and Brad Fuller produce the film for Platinum Dunes, while Krasinski produces for his Sunday Night production banner. “Day One” is set to be released March 8, 2024. A sequel for the original two movies is also in development, with a targeted 2025 premiere date. Krasinski will return to helm that installment. Quinn broke through this year for his portrayal as Eddie Munson, a kindhearted but abrasive punk, in Season 4 of “Stranger Things,” The British actor is also known for his roles in the BBC One limited series “Howards End” and “Les Miserables.” He is repped by CAA and the Curtis Brown Group Deadline first reported the news of Quinn’s casting. Sign Up: Stay on top of the latest breaking film and TV news! Sign up for our Email Newsletters here.