Even Frances Hodgson Burnett’s happy endings come with a price. The beloved British author responsible for two of children literature’s most enduring classics (and, at least in the case of her “The Secret Garden,” one of the most frequently adapted tales for children) was never precious about meting out “happily ever after” endings with some serious asterisks. Burnett didn’t dislike a happy ending so much as understand that even the most fantastical of plot twists — the long-missing father returns, compassion is cool, the savior was living next door the entire time — should exist in both a fairy tale world and one that looks very similar to the real one.

After all, Burnett’s heroes are mostly children who are skin-of-their-teeth survivors, young stars who overcome through both sheer force of will and the power of their big imaginations. There’s certainly something dreamy about Burnett’s story starting points, from a lush garden needing to be saved (“The Secret Garden”) to a pair of unknowing heirs who are owed much (an idea approached from very different angles in both “A Little Princess” and “Little Lord Fauntleroy”), but Burnett always rooted these fairy tale ideas in harsh reality. So it’s somewhat surprising that the best cinematic version of Burnett’s world comes with the kind of happy ending the author herself might have been cautious about creating. Related New Movies: Release Calendar for December 23, Plus Where to Watch the Latest Films Remember When Content Was King? 2022 Was the Year Streaming Dreams Died Related Growing Number of Contenders Makes 2023 Best International Feature Race Less Predictable Oscars 2023: Best Sound Predictions
Shot by Cuarón’s compatriot Emmanuel “Chivo” Lubezki, “A Little Princess” is a feast for the eyes and the heart. As Sara’s real world situation continues to crumble, she holds fast to fantastic dreams that allow her to experience all sorts of wondrous things, from tasty meals to a comfy bed and even a still-alive father. The spirit of Burnett’s books, which all hinge on combining dreaming big with the cost of living in the real (and, often just plain terrible) world, remains top of mind even during some of Cuarón’s most vivid visions of Sara’s pretend life.

The pain of Sara’s actual life is never pushed aside, but instead is the driving force behind her seeking beauty in horrible circumstances. That’s what Burnett’s stories always strove for, the beauty living alongside the pain, and finding something new and satisfying in the process. As the film’s plot accelerates, Cuarón begins to compress the two seemingly different sides of Sara’s story, ending with a conclusion that makes a tear-stained case for a world in which a happy ending is finally possible, the price long since paid. “A Little Princess” is now streaming on HBO Max, iTunes, and YouTube.

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